Friday, December 23, 2011

I am ready and willing to know my True Self

Love points the way and Law makes the way possible.Love and Law are two aspects of The Divine - that unconditionally loving, infinitely intelligent Presence that is the Source of all things - that permeates all things.

Love and Law are at work in me now as I speak this word:
I declare I am ready and willing to experience heaven right now.I am ready and willing to KNOW my True Self - God in form. I am ready to use this awareness to serve my world with love and gratitude.

As I declare these things, Infinite Intelligence goes before me preparing the way that Love has pointed out through me.I look forward with eager expectancy to all I manifest this year.I KNOW this year will be the best year ever!
With a grateful heart, I release these words, knowing they are already done.And so it is.

Friday, December 16, 2011

I will not take anything personally

There is only One Presence manifesting through all as many names, many religions. This Presence also knows Itself by our name. It our lifeforce, the vitality that animates our physical being. No matter what we call It, or how we worship It, It changes not. It just is. Unconditionally loving, infinitely intelligent, everywhere present.

Today I declare I will not take anything personally. I know in Truth that everything in my life is here by my acceptance of it. I choose to let go and let the Divine Presence move through me in waves of Love. I choose to let others be exactly who they are without any preconceived ideas of what that should be. I no longer require that anyone live according to the rules I have set up for my life. Today I practice loving unconditionally, and in this way I reflect my Divine Nature.

Gratefully I release these words into Spiritual Law, knowing they are already done.  And so it is.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Good Holiday Season

At the core of the Universe is One.  One Source, One Heart, One Mind.This Oneness is Love. Love flows into my world by means of me. As It fills me up, I relax and celebrate it with joy.

I let joy color my world this holiday season. I choose to experience it mindfully. I am conscious of the spirit of the season and I let myself become more and more aware of the Christ Nature within all.

As I go about my daily life, I honor the Divine gifts that are always being given. I receive them gracefully and give them with unconditional love.

All of my stories have been transformed by my conscious recognition of the Divine Life in all.

Gratefully I celebrate Spirit today. God is good and all is well in my world.  And so it is.