Monday, January 15, 2024

 I acknowledge the Grand Overall Design – this thing I call God. There is One Mind, the mind of God. There is One Heart – the heart of God. There is One Life – the life of God. This Life is the life we are living right here and right now.

I now choose to acknowledge our humanness as well as our divinity. In Truth they are one and the same, but up until now we have chosen to think of them as separate. I now See the humanness in others and then look deeper and see Spirit expressing. I allow myself to be compassionate with myself and all others. We are all doing our best.

In this Seeing, we begin to have greater reverence for all of life, and all of life’s experiences. Whether we are feeling limited or full, we are expressing the Divine. No matter what emotion we have, we are expressing the Divine.

I am so grateful I can See and allow myself to be Seen. The Seeing is precious – Life is precious. I now value every moment of it.

I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are so, and so it is.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


(Read this prayer with as much feeling and belief as you can - aloud if you want)

There is That Within Me that is perfect health – always has been, always will. It is magnificent Energy, coalescing through my thoughts and feelings to become form as me. It is the Divine Pattern of all that was, is now, and can be. It is my Lifeforce.
I am more open to the revealing of that Divine Pattern of myself. I now accept a new story about my body and my life. I declare I am an excellent picture of The Divine in action. My cells have been reenergized and are doing the work they are meant to do. My blood is clean, my lungs and all my organs are working in Divine Right Order. My muscles are flexible and my skeleton is strong and resilient. I am a new person, pain-free and happy with who I am accepting myself to be.
I know that as I accept Divine Health as my new story, I accept it for more people than I can possibly imagine. Our choosing Health for ourselves makes the world a healthier place to be. And this is a good thing!
Gratefully I remember the Truth of my being. Gratefully I realize the Truth has set me free. I celebrate Health in every area of my life and the lives of others.
I release these words to the Law of Mind, knowing they are already done. And so it

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

My memories are actively running my life

 There is only One Mind, this Mind is perfect. This Mind is the one I am using now.  How grateful I am to remember this. 

I know that my memories are actively running my life, regardless of whether those memories are conscious or not.  I breathe into them, releasing any I’ve been holding onto that are no longer serving me, and I bless the ones that bring me joy.

How grateful I am to know that I will always be creating more memories, and I choose to create ones of Love and Laughter.  Life is Good.  God is Life.

I release these words into Divine Law.  And so it is.

God is in the details!

 God is in the details!  I know this is true because there is no spot where God is not. 

Today I see and feel God Within Me, blessing my every thought and action.  I notice the details of my life - and realize every moment is a great gift. I celebrate these gifts by being grateful.

I am grateful for being consciously aware of the Power and Presence of Spirit in my life. I am grateful for my awareness of Spiritual Law and how it works in my life. I am grateful for being able to choose at every moment. I choose to have my life be a marvelous expression of Divine Life, and I declare it good.

I am blessed and am a blessing to the world. I release these words into Divine Law knowing they are so. And So It Is. 

"Bring it on! I know it's all good!"


All there is, is God. Everything we experience with our senses, everything we can imagine, everything, everywhere, is all God, including us.
This month I choose to be consciously grateful for all I am, all I have, and all I experience. I am grateful for my expanded potential and infinite possibilities in my life. Nothing is impossible for God.
Knowing the Law is focused on what I am focused on, I now look forward with eager expectancy to all the Universe has for me to be grateful for. I cheerfully say "Bring it on! I know it's all good!"
This joy-filled sense of gratitude is like a virus -- everyone's catching it. I see it spread to my family and friends and beyond. We are all so grateful for our good!
I now release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are so, and so it is.

An infinite number of iterations of wonderfulness

 I know there is an infinitely intelligent, unconditionally loving Field of creative potentiality, This Field is working in, through and as us all the time.

I celebrate this Field, as I know there is an infinite number of iterations of wonderfulness, just waiting for us to accept them into our lives. Therefore, I declare I AM READY!  I am ready to experience more good, more joy, more wonderfulness. I now release whatever I might have been thinking or feeling that kept me from experiencing the good that is always being given. It is no longer a part of me. 

I notice the wonderfulness and accept it with love and gratitude  I release these words into Divine Law, knowing they are so now.    

And So It Is.

Friday, October 2, 2020


Time keeps moving, sometimes at the speed of light, sometimes so slowly. Time is a construct we've created to keep aware of who we are, what we've done, and what we'd like to do.  Time is a part Divine Mind.

Knowing this, I declare that time is my friend. I open myself to its intricacies and delight in every moment.  I live in the NOW.  In this Now moment is everything I need or desire. Infinite Intelligence and Unconditional Love live here.  I embrace them as parts of myself - my Self, and feel the Power of them, the Power of Now.

Life is good - Life is God.  How grateful I am to be alive in this Now moment.

I release these words into the Law of Mind and experience them fully.   And so it is.