Thursday, August 4, 2011

I am ready to open my heart

I recognize there is One Life – the Divine Life that is everywhere present, all knowing, all powerful. It is Creator and created. It is within us right here and now.

Knowing this I declare these words for us in the first person:
I am ready and willing to open my heart and live more authentically. All that is unnecessary to my highest good and greatest joy is now released. I am open to experience my Self and all the wonders of Life. I am filled with Divine Light and Love and there is nothing to stop me from being all I can be.
I am healthy in mind, body and emotions. My health radiates throughout my financial life, my work life and my relationships. I know this for myself and for everyone I meet. We have all turned out wonderfully as delightful expressions of this One Life.
Gratefully I release these words into the Law of Mind knowing they are already so and the Truth sets us free. And so It is.

There is no place where God is not

Recognizing there is no place where God is not, I delight in living in God’s neighborhood. This Neighborhood is an infinite field of creative potentiality. I am empowered and enlivened by this neighborhood. I see my Self everywhere I turn.

I am grateful humanity is awakening to its spiritual magnificence. I am grateful to be alive in these exciting times. I am grateful to be a part of the architectural corps that is creating this new world. I choose now to be consciously aware of always telling the Truth, and living an authentic life. I choose to love my neighbours as I love my Self.

I release these words knowing they are so, and so It is.

Creative Principle is at work

Lifting my consciousness above and beyond the human condition, I declare I dwell in a consciousness of world that works for all. In this world is peace, love, harmony and abundance. In this world we are aware of ourselves as spiritual beings playing in the realms of Infinite Potentiality.

Creative Principle is at work in every facet of our experience. I am motivated, empowered and inspired by Divine Intelligence within me. Nothing outside of me can prevent my growth. Nothing outside of me can prevent my conscious awareness of the Truth of my being. Today I know, without any doubts, that Life is moving through each of us creating more good all the time. I love allowing It to do so.

I rejoice in the fulfillment of our good. I celebrate our awakening to our spiritual magnificence. I honour the Presence that makes all this possible. I release these words into the Law of Mind knowing they are already so. And so it is.

We are fear free

There is one perfect Intelligence, and It permeates the universe. It is everywhere and in everything. It is the air we are breathing. It is the beating of our hearts. It is what we see, taste, touch and smell. It is even more than this. It is – and It is all there is.

Knowing this, I now declare we are free from fear. We awaken from the mesmeriszation of the media. We are co-creating our world, attracting to us only that which is for the highest and best for us all.
Our Reality is not lack, disease or limitation of any kind. It is wholeness and holiness always, and in all ways. We stand firm in the Truth that we are creating a world that works for everyone, and it is good, very good.

I release these words, welcoming the release of fear they bring. Welcoming and grateful for being able to speak the Truth and know that It is so. And so it is.

Stress is released

There is a Divine Presence that is the Universe Itself. It is the Source and substance of all things, seen and unseen, including me. It is where I am, and who I am.

I now speak my word, recognizing the Power behind it. I use it only for good. I now declare that any sense of stress in my world or in the worlds of the people I know is now released and replaced with Love. Love is the greatest healing agent there is. I see my body bathed in Divine Love with all the cells responding to Love with joy. I see my financial life blessed by my awareness that everything I am grateful for increases. I am grateful for knowing my Source and am open to receive all of Love’s blessings. I feel my relationships blessed by my conscious awareness that there is only God here. All of my relationships are now Spirit to Spirit, and they are good. I know my work life is blessed by my willingness to be of service to my world. My mind and hands are the tools of the Divine, and I do good work.

I am so blessed. I am grateful to be able to recognize my blessings. I am grateful to be able to do the work I do in Mind. I am grateful to have the power of the Universe revealed by means of me. I know that as I speak these words into the Law of Mind for myself, all who read them take them as their own and are blessed.

God is good, and all is well in my world. And so it is.

Together we are opening to a new way of being.

Gratefully I celebrate the powerful presence of Life within me. I look around my world and see It everywhere. It is awakening our souls, nurturing our spirits, clearing our minds and purifying our hearts. This presence within and around me is The Divine. All powerful, all knowing, everywhere present.

I acknowledge that together we are opening to a new way of being. No longer to we blame and shame. No longer to we hold anything against another. We are ready to be lovingkindness in action, peace personified, Love made manifest.

I personally commit myself to the possibilities of this time, knowing it is Divine Time, and I declare that only the highest good and greatest joy for all is at hand. I pledge myself to my human family to live the very best life, to think on good things, to celebrate Life in all its forms. I promise to honour and respect The Divine in everyone and every thing.

Gratefully I release these words, knowing Divine Mind is assisting me in attaining and maintaining the consciousness I have declared. And so It is.   

I choose to slow down enjoy the pleasures of my life.

I am a spark of Light through which the Universe projects Itself into my world. This Light is the Light of love, of peace, of great prosperity and health. This Light is the substance of all things that give me pleasure.

I now choose to slow down and allow myself to enjoy the pleasures of my life. I let go of all that has been stressing me, and know that as I speak my word, everything comes into balance. My body is in balance, and I feel healthy. My finances are in balance, and I am worry free. My relationships are in balance, and I KNOW I am both the Beloved and the Lover. My work is in balance, and it gives me great satisfaction.
I declare I live a delightful life, filled with precious moments that I am aware of because I have decided to slow down and let Life pleasure me.

With a grateful heart, I embody these words with ease and grace and release them into the Law of Mind.

God is Good, and all is well in my world. And so It is.

I choose to walk the Path of Growth with conscious acceptance.

I recognize the Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence of The Divine. Everywhere I look, The Divine has shown up for me to see, even in my mirror.

Today I choose to walk the Path of Growth with conscious acceptance. I no longer am dragged moaning and groaning into my authentic Self. I am all I desire to be right now. I open my heart, my mind and my arms to accept my greatness!

My life now reflects my willingness to give of myself to my world. All around me I see good and more good. I feel peaceful. I experience the radiance of Life as It flows through me with ease.

I celebrate being alive. I celebrate being able to recognize my Divine Self as my real self. I am so grateful to know and experience these things. It is good, very good.

I now release these words into the Law of Mind knowing they are my Truth and the Truth sets me free. And So It Is.

I am ready and willing to be swept up in Love.

Love is a cosmic urge who’s sweep is irresistible. Love is everywhere, because Love is the Source and substance of all there is. Love is God.

Today I am ready and willing to be swept up in Love. I open my heart and let Divine Love express Itself more fully as me. I let go of all requirements I had set up for others to experience my love or for me to experience theirs. I realize that Love has no favourites, It just Loves. This is my new way of being – I just Love.

I see and experience Love in every area of my life – in my work, my finances, my health and my relationships. I see Love shining back at me when I look at my reflection in the mirror. Love is my Life.

With a grateful, love-filled heart, I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are so, And so It is.

I choose to just let go

I love playing in the fields of Infinite Potentiality. I am in awe of how Life uses me to create a world that works for all. I am ready for this work. I was born for this Work.

I celebrate the One Mind, knowing this is the Mind I am using. I choose right now to just let go of all that has been holding me back from all I am meant to be. I let go of my littleness. I now realize I am already what I’ve always wanted to be, I just thought I wasn’t. I allowed myself to buy into the old paradigm of “less than.”

This is no longer my Truth. I am a whole, complete and perfect expression of The Divine. My work no longer feels heavy, but light. I am playing in the fires of Love, joyfully expressing that aspect of The Divine that is uniquely me. Every area of my Life reflects this joy, and I am pleased.

Gratefully and humbly I acknowledge all that have gone before me, preparing my way. I am so glad I am here – it is a good time to be alive! I release these words, delighting in the Truth of them. And so it is.

I am ready and willing to step into the Light!

There is one Mind, One Intelligence that effortlessly creates all there is out of Itself.  It is the Source and Substance of all things, seen and unseen. As a unique aspect of this One Mind, I am all that It is.

I am ready and willing to step into the Light and stay there. I remain on purpose with the Intelligence of the Universe. I no longer settle for what does not make me happy. I accept my responsibility in creating a world that works for everyone by using the Principles I have learned. As I choose to express more Good in my life I am blessed and bless everyone in my presence.

I rejoice in being able to see Wholeness – Holiness – everywhere I am. I am so grateful to be living in the Light. I am grateful to have the courage to move into the Light whenever I find myself in the shadows. I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are done, and so it is.

Everywhere I am is Divine Potential

Life lies open everywhere around and within me. It’s giving nature is infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving. My beliefs open my mind, my heart and my arms to the abundance of the Universe. My mind is abundantly filled with Divine Ideas. My heart is abundantly filled with Divine Love. My Life is a delightful expression of the One Life, and this is good.

Every where I turn, in every arena of my life, is Divine Potential. I now choose to respond to those Divine Ideas that keep returning. I am open and willing to be the vehicle for these Ideas to be made manifest by means of me. I know as I say YES, the whole Universe responds. I relax and trust because I know the responsibility for setting the Law in motion is mine, and the responsibility for making It work is inherent in the Law.

Gratefully I rejoice in being one who knows this Truth, and let go and let The Divine do It’s perfect work. And so It is.