Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Remember

Regardless of the busyness of the season, I allow myself to stop, breathe, and remember who I am. I am Spirit in form. I am unconditional love and infinite intelligence and all that I imagine The Divine to be and more. I feel the Peace of this Truth and can move forward with ease and grace.

I choose to let go of the 'shoulds' that surround this holiday season in my belief system. I open my heart to receive and share the greatest gift of all - Presence. I now realize that Presence is a pearl of great price, and I honor It with reverence. I share It with all. As I do this I remember how powerful and prosperous I am. I am more than money and material goods. I am The Divine Itself.

How grateful I am to remember these things. How grateful I am to remember God is my Source and the substance of all.

I release these words into the Law of Mind, rejoicing they are so, and so it is.

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