Friday, February 17, 2012

I Am Ready to Let Go and Let God

There is only One Cause - the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe. This Cause is Divine Energy moving through all things, guided and directed by consciousness. This consciousness is within all things, including me.

Knowing this, I now declare I am ready and willing to let go and let God do Its perfect work in, through and as me. I follow the desires of my heart, knowing they are Divine Desires, and listen to my intuition. I let go of fear -- fear used to be false evidence appearing real, now it is feeling excited and ready.

In my mind's eye, I see myself doing what my heart desires. I feel what it feels like, and I feel my Spirit smile. How grateful I am to know that my seeing this sets the Law in motion and all the Power of the Universe is behind making my vision real. God, being infinitely intelligent knows exactly what do to when and how to do it. I listen and follow with gratitude.

I release these words knowing they are so - and so It is.

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