Friday, February 10, 2012

I Have the Consciousness of Oneness

At the core of everything, there is only One - One infinitely intelligent, unconditionally loving Energy that is the Source and substance of all things. This energy is Life Itself. It lives in me and through all others as Divine Consciousness. It is the only begotten, always begetting.

I now declare I have the consciousness of Oneness. Any thoughts of separation are false ideas I immediately release. My renewed consciousness brings me a great sense of inner peace, and an excitement for what is. I am a living expression of the Law of Attraction in action. I am whole and magnificent, immersed in Spirit as It lives through me. I celebrate my life and the lives of all others.

We have come a long way, and are moving confidently into our future. I am so grateful to be alive in this period of history. We are awakening to our spiritual magnificence. I claim this, I know this, and it is so. And so it is.

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