Monday, June 11, 2012

I release my shadows

There is one Life - God's. There is one mind - God's. There is one heart - God's. Since God is absolutely all there is, this one Life is my life. This one mind is the mind I am using, and this one heart is where I live.
How grateful I am to know this as I allow myself to release the shadows I had buried deep within me. As I acknowledge them, I realize I am no longer affected by them in any way. I let them go. I am free - the Truth has set me free!  I have forgiven myself - giving my Higher Self more room to live in, through and as me.

I am standing in Divine Light, letting it fill me up and spill out into my world. I celebrate my conscious awareness of my Divinity. God and I are one.

I release these words, knowing they are so and so it is.

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