Monday, March 19, 2012

I am Filled with the Realization of Abundance

There is one life - one infinite, always creating, ever expanding All. I am one with this All. I cannot be separated from it. This One appears as an infinite number of beings and things, all radiating from the same source.

Simply by looking around at this world, I am filled with a realization of abundance - an abundance of beauty, of order, of life. I go outdoors and see an abundance of Life in the people, plants, animals and different scenery. I step back inside and see an abundance of Life in my family and friends, my projects, and my possessions. Abundance surrounds me and fills me up. I cannot get away from It.

I have the consciousness of abundance! I now see this same consciousness in my monetary life. I am surrounded and filled up with an abundance of money. Everywhere I look there is abundance! Indeed, my recognition of it expands it, and this is good!

This is my Truth, and the Truth for all participating in CSLB's Pledge program. I am so grateful to know this is so. We live in an abundance of good! We share our good with joy. God is our good!

I release these words knowing they are so, and so it is.

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