I celebrate the Powerful Presence within me. It is Life Itself. It is within me and around me, indeed It is everywhere.
I am so grateful I have chosen to be here, in this time, to express Divine Life. I open my heart, my mind and my whole being to the honouring of this Life. I am open to experience more of my own divinity, and the divinity of others. This is our Truth.
I am grateful for everything I have experienced up until this moment, whether I named it as “positive” or “negative.” I am grateful for all I am experiencing now, and all I will experience as time goes by.
It is a privilege to be here, and to be actively conscious of being here.
There is only One Life – that Life is God’s and that Life is the Life I am living now. This is a very good thing.
I release these words of celebration, knowing they are my Truth, and so it is.
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