Friday, July 29, 2011

Solutions Come Easy

I recognize the infinitely intelligent presence of The Divine in my life right now. It is a feeling of unconditional love. It is an acknowledgement of spiritual Law.

Law works through me with Love. I now experience more of my True Self by consciously being aware of my ability to be still and know that I am God.

I choose to spend time in sacred silence today and everyday, opening to the conscious realization of my True Nature. I do not regret this time as time spent in communion with The Divine brightens every area of my life. Soulutions come easily. Manifestations come quickly. Life is good.

I celebrate my ability to let go of attachment to noise and busyness. I celebrate my ability to be still and know. I am grateful to hear that still small Voice clearly.

I release these words into the Law of Mind knowing they are already done. And so it is.  

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